Since many people contacted me to tell me how much they liked the Bucket List September, and asked me to to do that again, I’m gladly gonna write a new bucket list for you! Here’s January 2020’s bucket list!

01/01 Search a calligraphy picture and print it out or copy it by hand, make a piece of art out of it that you would like to put on a wall.
01/02 Cook something salty that uses a spice you only connect with sweets
01/03 Write down a list of 20 things you love
01/04 Watch a movie with one or more friends
01/05 Take a warm bath with nice music in the background
01/06 Meditate, sit in silence or pray for 10 minutes, think about all the things that you wish for this planet, your loved ones, yourself, humanity, a.s.o. – What do you wish for?
01/07 Write about your favourite childhood (or teenage) memory (If you feel very creative: Write a poem!)
01/08 Research a language you don’t speak (yet) on YouTube. (If you have no idea which one to pick, take „tatarian language“ or „amazigh language“)
01/09 Buy a food you do know and try it
01/10 Write someone a postcard or a letter
01/11 Try out living vegan – just for today
01/12 Take an one hour walk in silence
01/13 Write down every letter of your name and find an adjective that starts with each of these letter. The adjectives should be somehow connected to you. (e.g.: Amira – astonishing, mindful, intelligent, realistic, artistic)
01/14 Visit a museum
01/15 Research new music styles on YouTube / Spotify / other app
01/16 Research concerts and events that will take place in your town this year (maybe write some dates in your calendar, if you think something sounds good)
01/17 Today you are not allowed to drive or ride anything that uses gasoline, so have fun walking, riding or bike, or – lucky you with your electric car…
01/18 Write down a list of 5 people who are inspiring for you. (Extra: Add 3 key words to each one of them on why they are inspiring)
01/19 Cook diner for yourself and/or friends
01/20 Search your first name on a social media platform and look at the first 30 posts you can find, if you dare: write someone randomly
01/21 Try out origami
01/22 Go to a library and read at least 5 pages of 5 different books
01/23 Ask a homeless person if you can buy them lunch and do so
01/24 Write to a person you don’t write as often as you wish. (If you don’t dare to write, send them a meme)
01/25 Research on zero waste or less plastic, and find one thing you can buy/do without plastic from now on.
01/26 Watch a children’s movie
01/27 Make a list of 3 goals for 2020 and promise to yourself that you will really reach them
01/28 Write a letter to yourself when you were 12 years old
01/29 Take pictures of 5 things you really appreciate today
01/30 Try out a tea that sounds gross
01/31 Write down 20 things you like about yourself